Emergency Relief

Emergencies are described as “urgent situations in which there is clear evidence that an event, or series of events, has occurred which causes human suffering or imminently threatens lives or livelihoods, and which the government concerned has not the means to remedy; and it is a demonstrably abnormal event, or series of events, which produces dislocation in the life of a community on an exceptional scale.”

For more than 10 years, Power Of One has provided emergency food assistance and Emergency Response often in conflict, post-conflict or disaster situations.

Crisis Advocacy

What is Advocacy? Advocacy is defined as any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of others.

Senior Citizens, Veterans and disabled advocacy by appointment. Call 862-239-5905 and learn about how Power of One can help you get the help you need by connecting you to the right resources.

Hunger doesn’t Stop is a program of Power Of One initiated in 2012 which focuses on alleviating food insecurity in Clifton families by filling the gap when school is closed so students are ready to learn. Food care packages are provided to Clifton School Nurses & Counselors and families we serve.